We are so excited to begin the second year of the Senior Living Empower Hour. The 2023 inaugural year was themed by Enterprise Risk Management. This year, aligning with goals of best practices, proactive risk management, and growth and culture change, 2024’s SLEH theme is…
You’ll meet a variety of senior living leaders, and experts in organizational leadership and, of course, there will be special surprises!
Get ready to learn more about the ability to implement change by creating and communicating a vision! Join us and share in discussing the qualities and skills and the greater scale and scope that organizational leadership delivers.
All webinars are monthly and begin at 1:00 pm CST.
Check our Events section for upcoming dates and topics!
December 18: Dr. Rachel Broudy, MD of Ariadne Labs
Past Workshops
November 27: Leading with Compassion: Dementia Care in Senior Living with Carrie Aalberts of Dementia Darling
October 23: Creating a Vision for a Better Tomorrow: Thoughts from a Leader in Senior Living with Kai Hsiao, CEO of Healthcare for Keppel Capital
September 18: Creating a United Team by Realigning Personal and Organizational Values with Michele Magner of Inspired Caring
August 21: Leading with Compassion: Integrating Palliative Care into Senior Living with Sonya Dolan, Mettle Health
July 31: The Professional Liability Insurance Perspective on Organizational Leadership in Senior Living
June 19: Making Decisions Without Perfect Information: A Key to Leadership in Senior Living
May 22: Leading With Purpose: An Equation for Senior Living
April 24: Intentionally Creating Your Resilient and Productive Team
March 27: Leading Through Transitions In Care
February 21: Empathic Leadership In Senior Living
January 24: What is Organizational Leadership and How Can It Transform Senior Living?